Beautiful Hallelujah
Photo by: Fuu J (Unsplash) |
I started reading 1 Samuel a few days ago, and I haven't made it past the second chapter yet. If you've read it before you know the chapters aren't very long... But the story is a beautiful one. Hannah is barren. She longs to have a child and she hasn't been able to conceive. She is also one of two wives. (Polygamy was extremely common back then) Peninnah, Elkanah's second wife had given birth to sons and daughters and she would tease and provoke Hannah. Hannah's heart was so broken and so deeply hurting she'd refuse to eat. Have you ever hurt that way? Your heart so utterly broken you have no appetite. I have. Its a hard place to be.
One year after their meal, she decided to get up and go pray to God. She poured out the heartache she was carrying, and let her sorrow be known to him. She asks God for a son and promises to give that son back to him. She walked into that temple broken and in anguish. I'm sure she had tears welling up in her eyes and streaming off of her downcast face as she poured all of herself out in prayer and worship. When she finishes the Bible says "Then Hannah went on her way; she ate and no longer looked despondent." (1 Samuel 1:18 CSB)
Did you catch that? She worshiped, prayed, poured out her heart, then she went on her way, she ATE and NO LONGER LOOKED DESPONDENT. She had full faith and trust in God when she poured her heart out before him. There was no disbelief within her. Her prayer came from a place where there was gut wrenching pain for her but she walked out knowing victory was hers! She stopped starving herself, lifted up her head and moved forward knowing God is faithful and all powerful. Do you have that kind of trust in God when you worship? When you pray? Hannah left her sadness and her hurting heart at the feet of Jesus and had absolutely no reason to look downcast again. She trusted God with FULL abandon.
God answers her prayer, she gives birth to a son named Samuel. And Hannah raises the most beautiful hallelujah. She prays another prayer of victory, rejoicing in God's goodness, his power, his faithfulness, and the care he has for his people. Please don't stop here, pick up your bible and read the story for yourself. Even if you've read it before, read it again. Let the words wash over you and then speak out your own prayer. Sing out your own song. Raise a hallelujah. Because He. Is. Worthy. Sweet Friend go deep into your heart and lay it all out. God isn't afraid of the pain buried within those dark places you keep hidden. You shout out from a place of victory, trusting God in all his goodness. And if you've received your victory then praise him for the promise kept. Don't hold back your thankfulness.
Did you catch that? She worshiped, prayed, poured out her heart, then she went on her way, she ATE and NO LONGER LOOKED DESPONDENT. She had full faith and trust in God when she poured her heart out before him. There was no disbelief within her. Her prayer came from a place where there was gut wrenching pain for her but she walked out knowing victory was hers! She stopped starving herself, lifted up her head and moved forward knowing God is faithful and all powerful. Do you have that kind of trust in God when you worship? When you pray? Hannah left her sadness and her hurting heart at the feet of Jesus and had absolutely no reason to look downcast again. She trusted God with FULL abandon.
God answers her prayer, she gives birth to a son named Samuel. And Hannah raises the most beautiful hallelujah. She prays another prayer of victory, rejoicing in God's goodness, his power, his faithfulness, and the care he has for his people. Please don't stop here, pick up your bible and read the story for yourself. Even if you've read it before, read it again. Let the words wash over you and then speak out your own prayer. Sing out your own song. Raise a hallelujah. Because He. Is. Worthy. Sweet Friend go deep into your heart and lay it all out. God isn't afraid of the pain buried within those dark places you keep hidden. You shout out from a place of victory, trusting God in all his goodness. And if you've received your victory then praise him for the promise kept. Don't hold back your thankfulness.
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