100 Days To Brave

 If you have not read 100 Days To Brave by Annie F. Downs I am telling you, you are missing out. I hope you decide to pick up a copy and join me on this journey to kick off 2020 in a great way. Let’s get a little braver every day than we were the day before and end up a lot braver than we were in 2019. Don’t worry if you are joining me late, pick up where we are or go back and follow along accordingly. This is my second time reading through this book and I’m so excited to be going through it again. I’ll be doing my best to update this daily, but if you’d like a more direct way to weigh in on the daily devotional you can follow me in Instagram @withlovefrom_yesi I’ll be posting on my story daily, and every devotional post will be highlighted and saved on my main page.

Day 1
Isaiah 41:13
For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
There is something Annie wrote in this that resonates with me and gives me courage every time I read it. I’ll paraphrase. It goes something like this....Brave people don’t stop hearing fear whisper to them, they hear it and get things done anyway... This was at the forefront of my mind every time I was getting ready to do something that scared me in 2019. So with my heart racing and my spirit praying, I jumped in. Or dragged myself is more like it ha! Oh yea, putting yourself out there when you are an introvert is almost suffocating. BUT! I did it anyway! And it is important to say, that it wasn’t by my own strength. God had more to do with it than I did. So go on and tell someone that you are on a journey to be brave, come on, I know you can do it.

Day 2
2 Timothy 1:8-9
We can only keep going, after all, by the power of God, who first saved us and then called us to his holy work. We had nothing to do with it. It was all his idea, a gift prepared for us in Jesus long before we knew anything about it. But we know now.
If nobody has ever told you before, I am telling you now. You have a purpose, you are not an accident. Honey you have a design all your own, specifically for the life you were made to live. God knew exactly what he wanted to do through your life before you were even born.
I know sometimes its hard to see that our lives have a purpose. It is so easy to go on cruise control and feel like every day is the same. What if we took the time every day to look up and say “God use me for something great today, use me to make a difference in someone else’s life, use me to touch someone’s heart.”? There is a trickle effect when you share the goodness of God. Don’t be afraid to talk about your story. Even if your story doesn’t look the same as the person next to you, you can encourage others to be brave just by having the guts to talk about what he’s done in your life.

Day 3
Isaiah 30: 21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it.”
You don’t have to feel brave to be brave. Life can be daunting, new experiences, big decisions, its frightening to be quite honest. Please don’t let fear stop you from what is meant for you. Remember, being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t afraid, it means you do the thing despite. Be obedient and give God your next yes, just take that next step. No, you don’t have to know what the 4th, 5th, 10th, 20th step is going to be. You don’t even have to know how many steps it will take to “get there” just take the next step and then the next and the next. Know that God’s plan is perfect and you don’t have to have control of every moment in between. Maybe you took brave steps last year and didn’t even know it, think back, what did you do last year that was brave?

Day 4
Acts 4:13
The officials were amazed to see how brave Peter and John were, and they knew that these two apostles were only ordinary men and not well educated. The officials were certain that these men had been with Jesus.
Just like our own stories of bravery can encourage others, so can others stories encourage us. You may see yourself as an ordinary person but that doesn’t matter to God. No matter how ordinary or unimportant you may think you are God can use you. He loves using the people that nobody thinks can be used, to do amazing things. Look around you, find the bravery being displayed in other’s lives. Be inspired by their stories.

Day 5
1 Samuel 17:37
Saul said to David. “ Go, and the Lord be with you.”
Courage is not something you have to find, it is already planted within you. Water the seeds of courage in your life. Like I mentioned before, I read this devotional last year. I took in the words, I learned what I could and I grew. But, I know that when it comes to being brave, I will continue to learn what that looks like for me. Every year will bring challenges of its own and I’ll find myself struggling to take the next step once again. Regardless of whatever fear tries to whisper to me, I’ll remain planted in my faith and fight however hard I need to, to give my next yes, and take that next step. Why? Because I know God is with me. He is also with you. What will it look like for you to be brave?

Day 6
Genesis 3:2-4 ESV
“And the woman said to the serpent, "We may eat of the fruit of the trees in the garden, but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden, neither shall you touch it, lest you die.'" But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die.”
‭‭  Annie said ”Eve was the first woman deceived by by words-but not the last.” Honestly, I had never thought of that before. I’d like to think that if I was her, I would have believed God instead of the enemy. Then I look back on my own life and I know.... I would have bitten the apple too. How do I know? Because in my own journey to live by faith I have failed to believe God and “bitten the apple”. I believed lies, committed the sin, and walked in shame as a result. I hope you know today that whatever apple it was that you bit into, shame is not from God, correction is, but never shame. God does not need to shame you into obedience. It is hard to separate truth from lies, and Satan is the father of lies. He will try to make you believe you are someone you are not, cloud your mind from the true identity you have in Christ and try to bury your God given purpose down so deep you’ll feel like you have none. He wants to “stop you from being brave and doing the work God has for you.” Fill yourself with God’s truth, its the only you can see past the lies. When he tells you you aren’t good enough, smart enough, strong enough, pretty enough, when he tells you that you are not “worth it” you turn right around and remind him who your God is and who he says you are. Fight back with the truth of God’s word. In 1 Samuel 17 David is a great example of someone who stood firmly on God’s truth.

Day 7
“But he answered, "It is written, "'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭4:4‬ ‭ESV‬‬
We could learn about courage when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness. Instead of letting the enemy’s lies sway him, he flipped the script and responded with God’s truth. Here’s the thing though, he didn’t just recite scripture because he had memorized it. He spoke it while believing with every ounce of his being that God’s word is true and right and real. When I read my bible and see the words, promises, and descriptions of how God sees me I want to believe it with all of my heart. I don’t want to harbor doubt about who God says I am. This is something I am still learning. I know I have not yet learned everything about who God created me to be. It may sound corny but I am on journey to discover everything that is me. Please understand I say that in the most humble way possible. This journey is not a journey of “do you, do what makes you happy.” No. This is a journey of OK God who am I in you and who are you in me? What is my purpose? Why did you put me here? Make my heart like yours, show me how you want to use me everyday for your kingdom and your people. Show me how to love the way you love and see people the way you see them... I know its a lot. There’s more but I think this is good for now lol. I want God’s truth to be stamped on my heart. Ask God to show you who you truly are and watch him speak life into every part of you. When lies come, you’ll be ready. You’ll be free to unapologetically be who you are and walk in your God given purpose.

Day 8
“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139:14‬ ‭ESV‬
Just like me, God made you without mistake. As I read his word every day he makes me better than the last. I haven’t “arrived”‬, I still have a lot of growth to work towards. Despite my failures and mess ups God still loves me the same. My purpose doesn’t change because I fell short. Don’t let your mistakes define you. Let God do that. Find your brave in what he says about you. When fear comes make the brave choice to be confident in who God made you to be. He’s cheering you on and so am I.

Day 9
“But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭86:15‬ ‭ESV‬‬
 There’s nothing you or I can do to make God love us more or make him love us less. I don’t know about you but I’m glad that no matter how bad I may screw something up, God is still full of love for me. There’s nothing I can do to sway his opinion of me or his love for me, because he is love. And I propose that God doesn’t have opinions about any of us. Why? Because he already knows us inside and out. He doesn’t need opinions when he already knows the facts. He knows everything that is YOU, all the beauty you carry within and all the ugly. And he loves us anyway! This makes me feel brave enough to do new things, love more, pursue dreams and passions. Even if I fail, God never does. There’s no way I can repay him for this tremendous love he freely gives, but I can do my best to love  him back every day. “What does that look like? Well it looks like making brave, God honoring life choices in response to his love.” All those things that I love to do and have passion for, I do my best to honor him with it all. Whenever I feel like I’m losing sight of why I am doing something I refocus my heart on the one who created me. Any little bit of talent I have is because of him. Every passion I have that makes my heart full is there because he put it there. I wouldn’t be who I am without him, so I’ll use everything that I do to say “Thank you Lord for your amazing love, let me love you back”

Day 10
“whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭2:6‬ ‭ESV
Walking. Leading. Doing. Jesus came down and set the ultimate example of how to be a lover and follower of God. Leading is not something that comes naturally to me, actually as a child, leading was something I ran from on a daily basis. I’d look at other kids and wonder how it was that they could lead a group project so confidently. Me? I was the type to say just tell me my part and I’ll get it done... Yet, (now that I think of it) I somehow wind up finding myself in some type of leadership position. In high school my soccer coach had me lead prayer before any big games (Holy moly I wish you could feel how my heart would race, I’d get so nervous, sick to my stomach even). Now, I help lead worship at church and yes I get nervous but I lean on God because my goal isn’t to be seen, my goal is to get into his presence so others can do the same. I love music, I love worship, its something I have passion for and I use it to love on God. Leading this study is WAAAY out of my comfort zone. It’s vulnerable, and that is not comfortable feeling. However, I realize I am not the only one who needs some help learning  to be brave. How do I lead every  day? I do my best to let the joy of the Lord shine through me. When I walk out my front door and into the world and want to be an example of God’s love, joy, peace and compassion. Please don’t think that I am perfect at this. I definitely am not. But where and when I fail, I want to be brave enough to admit I was wrong or say I’m sorry because that’s leading to you know. Pushing pride aside and apologizing or admitting you were wrong. We aren’t perfect and we won’t always get it right but that’s how we learn, that’s how we grow. I pray that every chance I get, I’ll choose to walk the path God has laid down for me and that his grace will cover me when I slip.

Day 11
“Don't be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think. Then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭CEV‬
What are you letting influence your thoughts? With the technology available to us it is so easy to open up your phone or tablet and consume whatever the internet and social media has for you that day. You have access to the thoughts of people who’s posts you see, videos of people either going out and doing good or going out and causing chaos. What about the comment section of a controversial topic? Oh you know what I am talking about. It’s so easy to get lost in the hundreds of angry and spiteful comments people leave when they are hiding behind a screen... Be careful of your mind’s wonderings. It’s so important to meditate on the word of God and to be open to hearing his voice. It’s hard to hear his voice when the voices of the world that you focus on are so loud. Listen to those beautiful ideas that come to mind and take time to put action behind them. They might scare you but be brave enough to trust God’s purpose for you. Don’t ignore those thoughts that excite your spirit, God is training you to recognize his voice and know his will. I don’t want to miss something God has for me because I was to afraid to take action.

Day 12
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18:21‬ ‭NIV‬‬
I haven’t always been kind to myself. If I’m being honest, sometimes I still catch myself speaking harshly to myself. I’m still learning to redirect my thoughts and replace harsh words with words of kindness and truth. I don’t need others to cut me down, I learned to do that myself pretty well when I was young. Growing up I had zero confidence. Thank God for his loving kindness, its only because of him that as an adult my inner voice has taken a turn for the better. Friend its time for you to drop those negative thoughts about yourself, actually don’t just drop them. Chuck them as far as they can go. Jesus only speaks life into us, take those words in and watch as you become braver because of it. Words have the power to lift us up or tear us down. Stop tearing yourself down and start building yourself up into the amazing person God created you to be.

Day 13
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬
When we operate in the spirit we are operating in the power, love, and self-discipline God gives us. Be brave enough to be you. Don’t be afraid to enjoy the things you like. There were things I did (or didn’t do) and people I hung out with when I was a kid that weren’t the best influence but I did it because I was chasing the idea of being “cool”.By the time I got to high school I had already started to taper off of that mindset because I realized it caused me to pull away from people who could have been really great friends. I just wanted to be me and not “reinvent” myself for the sake of others approval. I had a lot of different types of friends or acquaintances, not necessarily because I was cool. I don’t think I was ever cool. I was just involved in as many things that I loved as possible. Each thing introduced me to a different type of crowd and I loved it. I loved everyone’s individual personality types, fashion sense, and outlook on life. My point. Be unapologetically yourself, give yourself permission to like the things you like. Yes, high school is in the past (for me and a lot of you) but that doesn’t mean we can’t get caught up in the feelings of wanting to be accepted. You don’t have to change to fit others idea of who you should be or what you should like. God transforms the way we think for the better and guides us into living a life of goodness but he accepts who you are, he created you after all. He doesn’t say “well, if only you weren’t a gamer then I could use you”. No, he says “ok you have a passion for games, I’ll use you to touch the lives of other people who love games” It doesn’t matter what you like, God can and will use you. He accepts you for who you are and its time for you to learn to accept yourself so you can confidently walk in your personal calling.

Day 14
“The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever. Do not forsake the work of your hands.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭138:8‬ ‭ESV‬‬
You were created with a purpose from start to finish. You are uniquely you and so is your call to courage. God created you for his glory and nobody else can do what you do the way you do it. “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me” reading that fills me with courage. That is a promise, and a beautiful one at that. People lose sleep over wondering if they have a purpose, as a believer in Christ I know I have one. No matter how I might stumble, as long as I remain focused on my creator, he will fulfill his purpose for me. Even when I am not feeling confident in myself I can be confident in God. And so can you, your life won’t be replicated. God called each one of us to be brave, and even though my version of brave won’t look the same as yours we can take those steps together.  

Day 15
“‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭33:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Today’s devotional was about asking hard questions. It made me think back at times when I didn’t ask God something because I was afraid of his answer. Silly, right? My sweet friends we don’t have to be afraid to ask God those hard questions. He wants to be in active communication with us. How much do we really trust him if we reserve our questions for him out of fear? His word tells us that he works everything for our good. So ask him why it hurts, what to do next, who he made you to be, how you get through this hard thing or that. Let his answer encourage you, give you direction, or open up those old wounds that need to be cleaned up and healed. If his response is for you to do something that you don’t feel like you can do, let me remind you. God is not asking you to walk this journey alone. He is not necessarily asking you to do something because you can do it, he asking you to take that step in faith that HE can do it.  

Day 16
“... And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:20‬ ‭CSB‬‬
We are not alone. One of God’s many names is Immanuel God With Us. Sometimes we can get lonely, tired, frustrated, and wonder where God is. This is one place your faith steps in. Refuse to let go of him even when you don’t “feel” him. He is there, sometimes we just need to learn to walk on our own. Just like a baby learning to take its first steps. We hold their hands but slowly we start to let go and cheer them on as they practice taking steps on their own. But we never linger far from them. We stand there in front or behind them watching closely to help break their fall. I think God does that with us. It’s how he helps us grow. Have  confidence in him, he is never far from you. He is there with you always.

Day 17
“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3:16-17‬ ‭NIV‬‬
The word of God is beautiful. It truly is. I used to find it so hard to sit and read it. I realized it was hard for me to read because I viewed as “homework” something I had no choice in. That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Friends we get to read the Bible. I fell in love with his word because it is beautiful. It is beautiful. It is beautiful. Don’t approach it the way I used to. It is a privilege to be able to freely read it. So pick yours up open it and begin to see the beauty in it. It is God’s love story to you. In it you find lessons you need to learn, it’ll open up your heart and reveal your rebellion, and then help you correct it, it’ll ready you for the task at hand and help guide you as you walk in your calling. God uses it to give you words of hope, peace, encouragement, love, joy, and truth! Read God’s word for yourself, and watch as God transforms you and molds you into the person he created you to be.

Day 18
“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭5:14‬ ‭NIV‬‬
There is power in prayer, and I know I haven’t yet seen all that God can do through prayer. If you are here and you are wondering if God hears you, he does. Every word you speak he hears clearly. This scripture tells us we can confidence in approaching him. It also says if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. The intent of our heart matters when we pray. I wish I was wise enough and had the knowledge to elaborate eloquently on this but I’m not there yet. All I know is that when I pray I want my heart to align with God’s truth and purpose. That means I surrender to him and those things I came to him about; I pray for in humility, I pray for in confidence that he will answer while remembering that he knows better than I do what needs to be done. Because here’s the thing, I may ask for something and expect it to be done in a certain way or within a certain time frame. But I can’t see all the moving pieces, God can. So I trust that he knows how, when, and if something should happen. I keep in mind that he wants what is best for us. Don’t lose heart, he hears your prayers both big and small. So pray, with all your heart, pray and know you are not alone.

Day 19 
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬
For as long as I can remember I’ve had faith. As a little girl I suffered from nightmares almost every night. It just never stopped, and the nightmares were terrifyingly ugly. I was for some reason hyper aware of bad spirits (its more “controlled” now). I’d wake up crying from the fear or pain I could physically feel while I was sleeping. Hence a huge reason I am not a fan of scary movies. Thrillers, I can deal with for the most part. But movies that involve spiritual things like exorcisms are a hard no for me. You won’t catch me even watching a preview for those... Anyway, the nightmares caused me to be very fearful all the time. And then one day my mom taught me how to pray against them. It wasn’t so much the prayer itself that steadied me. It was my faith that what my mom told me about God was true. I believed God loved me and that he would protect me. Those are my first memories of having answered prayers. I prayed so fervently as a child, asking God to take these nightmares and protect me from the enemy. I prayed trusting his love and protection with my whole heart. As I repeated the words “there is power in the blood of Jesus” over and over my fear would subside and I would rest peacefully. I don’t think my prayers as a child would have been as effective if I didn’t have the power of faith behind them. Now I pray that I would have faith even when I feel like I don’t see him. I hope that I can confidently hold this shield of faith over my heart even when life gets hard. My hope is that we would all learn to keep our eyes on Jesus, who is the perfecter of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). Today’s devotional reminded me of my word for the year, TRUST. I want God to expand my faith this year and grow my trust in him. In a sense I want to be like that little girl I once was, that didn’t over think every possible reason why God may or may not answer a prayer, I just believed that he would. There was no other option but to have my prayers answered. I want to have faith like that. Unwavering.

Day 20
“God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?”
‭‭Numbers‬ ‭23:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬
God is who he says he is. I love the Bible story Annie talks about in today’s devotional. It’s the story of Gideon, the story begins in Judges 6:11. Gideon didn’t think much of himself. God called him “mighty warrior” and he immediately started thinking of all the ways he was not what God had just claimed him to be. Gideon was looking at himself through his own lens instead of looking at himself through the eyes of God. You see we can discourage ourselves just by looking at where we fall short. But if we trust in our God and who he says he is, then we can trust we are who he says we are. When he calls us to courage we can trust that he will be with us and his perfect love will not leave us. Don’t hid from God let him empower you to be brave.

Day 21
“But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. After he has gathered his own flock, he walks ahead of them, and they follow him because they know his voice.”
‭‭John‬ ‭10:2-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬
God speaks to us. It may sound crazy to some, but he does. I’ve always enjoyed art. I loved it most when God would give me a vision of something and I’d do my best to put it to paper. I loved that when that happened, the art wasn’t for me, it was for somebody else. Something about their story or I could feel something in their spirit that was needed. Making these art pieces and giving them away was my way of listening to God speak. Where they ultimately end up I have no idea, but I know I was obedient to his voice. God loves to create, so when my art is led by him it’s exciting to me. I get to create alongside my creator. That blows my mind...Yet, I’m not always great at listening to his voice. There’s been times when I’ve heard him speak and I didn’t move into action because I was afraid. My heart aches for those moments. But I pray that God would continue to train me to hear his voice and follow. I pray that you would do the same. He desires to have a real relationship with you. He desires to have conversations with you and spend your days with you. So listen closely because he speaks in a whisper and be moved into action because you’ve learned to follow his voice.

Day 22
“Since God chose you to be the holy people he loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬
When we consistently spend time with God we learn to recognize his voice. That means that when you begin to hear the whispers of who he says you are you can be confident in that. It also means that when you hear that voice that wants to make you feel shame, worthlessness, unloved, you know that they are absolute lies. You can turn around and fight back with truth. God loves you dearly and he will never make you feel like you are less than. Ask him to show you who he says you are and clothe yourself with “tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.”

Day 23
“If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:11‬ ‭CSB‬‬
Did you know God cares about your dreams? He does, he wants you to succeed probably even more than you do. He sees who you will at your very best and he works at all times to get you there. He created you for than what you see here in front of you. Dream God sized dreams and go after them with God at the center of it all. You want to know one of my dreams? One of my dreams is that the art I create will be able to sustain my family. I dream that someday the art that flows out of me while I worship in my quiet moments with God will be more than profitable. I want to be able to thrive off of the money it brings in so much that I will be able to have a business where I can hire moms who want to work but need help with childcare. I want to provide it for them. I want to thrive off of it so much that I will be able help organizations that matter to me like, fighting against human trafficking and child slavery. Don’t get me wrong, I do what I can to help with things that tug at my heart now. But, I know I can do more. And I believe that someday this small business that has been placed on my heart will grow and God will continue to use me as a vessel for his kingdom. To spread his love, joy, peace, and compassion... Don’t be afraid to ask God for more. He wants you to thrive in this life. Being content with what you have doesn’t mean you shouldn’t dream of more. I am content, if the Lord took me home today I’d die knowing that I love the life I have right now and the people in it. I love the stories I’ve been told about how my art touched someone’s heart, that’s my goal with what I do. I am content with the life I have been given, but I dream for more because I know God isn’t finished with me yet. He is not done with you either. Take your desires and dreams to him, they matter, he hears them, he wants you to succeed.

Day 24
“And while he (Jesus) was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it over his head. There were some who said to themselves indignantly, "Why was the ointment wasted like that? For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor." And they scolded her. But Jesus said, "Leave her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a beautiful thing to me.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭14:3-6‬ ‭ESV‬‬
She gave it all. More than just perfume. She gave her whole heart. She gave her sacrifice. She gave a whole years wages. This woman completely surrendered. There’s beauty in surrender. It is not easy but it is beautiful. When I need to push past things while I worship I begin to imagine pouring my love on God and laying down whatever is holding me back. Sometimes we dare not dream because we are afraid of what? Failing? I know that has stopped me plenty of times. When I truly began to learn how to surrender myself and trust God, I began to dream. I started to have this confidence in the dreams I was given because it was no longer me trying to push my own agenda. I believe whole heartedly that I began to desire dreams that God had placed in me. I’m chasing my dreams with God at the center of them all. And if I make a fool of myself. I’d rather do it learning to chase after what God has purposed for me, than do it because I was chasing something that came from selfish intent. I refuse to be afraid to dream big anymore. I want to take head on whatever God puts on my heart. Let God speak to you today, let him begin to water those dream seeds that he has placed in your heart. Surrender your heart to him. Give it all.

Day 25
“The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”
‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17:37‬ ‭NIV‬‬
One moment, one day at a time that’s all. If God gave us our life story from beginning to end I don’t think we could handle it. I love the story of David. I’ve learned so much from reading about his life. One thing I learned was the importance of looking back and remembering where you have seen God work in your life. In this scripture David is just a shepherd boy taking food to his brothers in the army when he sees that grown men are afraid of this giant. He recalls when he defeated the lion and the bear while protecting his father’s sheep, and how God rescued him. When David fought the lion he didn’t know God was preparing him to fight the bear to then prepare him to fight Goliath. He just accepted the task at hand and trusted wholeheartedly that God would see him through. Every time courage was required he completely trusted God would rescue him. He believed in the person God created him to be and confidently walked it out. But he took it a day at time, obeying God as the assignments were given. We need to remember that for ourselves. God won’t always show us what is two steps ahead but he will ask you to trust him in this very moment, in this decision, in the opportunity that’s been placed before you. Listen to his voice and take your next step one brave decision at a time.

Day 26
“he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬
When a door is opening for you to walk through there’s not always flashing lights an arrows saying “Go through here!”. Sometimes an open door is just an opportunity that’s been made available to you.   Last year I was given the opportunity to teach a hand lettering class. I had never taught a class before. Now, I work within our local school system basically tutoring students within a group setting to put it simply. That’s my day job, which I actually rather enjoy. I get to impact the lives of children in a positive and encouraging way. I didn’t walk into this school looking to get a permanent position it was just an opportunity that was given. To be completely honest I was subbing in this position for different schools within our district and that was ok with me because while I enjoy my day job, its what I do to help provide for my family while I work on my dream job. So here I am, having walked through an opportunity given and I work with some great people, students I love, I get to be a daily example of God’s love and joy. And I don’t have to wake up every morning to log onto a computer and wonder if there’s sub work for me that fits my children’s schedule because the job I was offered fits perfectly with my family life. I believe this day job is preparing me for my dream job in one very specific way. Teaching. Remember that hand lettering class? I did it. I did it scared, but I did it trusting God. People loved it and asked for more...Whaaaaat?! (Mind blown). So now I have a schedule of painting classes set up for 2020. HA! Mind blown again! That’s God for ya. He knows what you need, he knows the desires of your heart and he takes it all into his arms and takes care of you. I think that if I didn’t have my job though the school district I would have run and hid when I was asked about teaching that first hand lettering class. I hope you can be brave enough to walk through those doors that open up for you. If you need to ask God to open the doors he wants for you and close the ones that aren’t, then by all means do that. I do. When I am unsure I pray that prayer. Remember God wants your success. Don’t be afraid to ask him for help and lean on him in the process. That’s what he wants. He wants you to be able to go to him in confidence and trust him. Let him lead you.

Day 27
“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:3‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Closed doors, they aren’t easy to take in. I went to college and got my degree to be a veterinary technician. And I was proud of my work while I was in school because I was good at it. We did internships and externships and a registered veterinary technician that had taken the time to take me under her wing actually emailed the head of our program to tell her that I would make great addition to the veterinary field. When I heard the words she had to say about me and my work I was glowing... Fast forward to graduation and pregnant me. I was so determined for so many years to get back into the vet field. I had put it on hold for my new family. When the time came I began searching for a job as a VT.  After all I’m in debt for that time spent in college. A door opened and I took the job. The more time I spent there the more I realized this wasn’t for me. The door to that job had opened but the door to that being my career was closed. Maybe it had been closed the entire time. But I was so busy chasing success that I ignored that still small voice that was telling me this wasn’t it, however good I was at what I was doing, it wasn’t meant to be mine. It took me way to long to let go of something I had worked so hard for and say “ok God, you take me wherever you want to take me, you lead, I follow”. I have fond memories of college and the vet field. And some not so fond ones. But the most precious ones to me are the ones where I saw God working through me to touch people I came in contact with. They may not even know it, but God loved on them and I got to witness it. Whatever you do, do it with God at the center, and listen to that little voice that’s saying “this isn’t it, I have something better.”

Day 28
“My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Today Annie wrote about mourning dreams that have died. I had never thought of that before reading this. In my eyes, the dreams I had before children had died  because of my own immaturity. While that is definitely true, It doesn’t mean I can’t mourn the life I was hoping I’d have. There’s things I wanted to do and accomplish within a specific timeline, and that timeline is essentially blown to pieces. Now don’t misunderstand me, even though that life isn’t possible for me anymore it doesn’t mean I haven’t seen God work. God has given me a beautiful life even after my moments of disobedience. I love the life I have eve though its not the one I had dreamed of. My life, my story is still unfolding and let me tell you, I am excited for the new dreams that God has breathed into me. God is giving me a better life than I could have dreamed of myself. Mourning dead dreams is ok, this scripture says “My soul is weary with sorrow”. Keep reading though, it also says “strengthen me according to your word.” Sweet friend seek out God’s word, read it, meditate on it. There’s promises, dreams, and encouragement written in there just for you. There’s so many things in the Bible that God wants to whisper to your spirit. Open it up and read it, you made for it.

Day 29
“The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭20:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
God made each one of us with dreams already planted within us. Kids aren’t afraid to dream big dreams. It’s fun to ask them what they want to be when they grow up because you just never know what you will get. My youngest one, my spontaneous, energy filled 4 year old has told me he wants to be a puppy boy when he grows up lol. He’s also said he wants to be a firefighter. Dreams. We all have them, they are welling up inside of us. Don’t let fear or age stop you from going after that dream that is so deeply embedded into your heart. You are here, alive, and breathing. That means you have dreams that are alive too. My dream is connected to my art. My art is a way I worship, its how I express my love to him. I want every day of my life to be filled with actions of love directed at God. He delights in seeing his children chase the dreams he’s placed in their hearts. It’s not to late to go after them, ask God to give you the courage to start walking out the life he purposed you for.

Day 30
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:24-25‬ ‭NIV‬‬
I love this scripture. The type of community it describes for us to have. We were made to do life together, not in solitude. I hope you find your people this year. If you already have them then I hope you take time to create this type of atmosphere with them. Spur each other on, meet together, and encourage each other. We need that in our lives. We need to be able to say our dreams out loud to someone instead of keeping them tucked away in a safe little corner of our heart where nobody knows its even there. Oh honey don’t fool yourself into thinking its better not to talk about it. No, say it, find someone you trust to help you on your journey and tell them about your dream. Give people a chance to cheer you on and encourage you. Then go out and do that same thing for someone else. Get together for coffee, go on play dates for your kids, have lunch together, go hiking, swimming, whatever you want to do together. Just do it and have conversations about your dreams and your faith. Find people who have a desire to grow intentionally in this life and in their relationship with the Lord. I’m doing it, and I can’t wait to see how the Lord uses those women in my life this year and the wisdom I gain from being intentionally teachable. People know my dream, but only a select few know how my heart desires to see this dream manifest and impact the world around me. They’re the ones I know can hold me accountable, while still encouraging me and cheering me on when I get a win. That’s the type of tribe you want. People that are truly for you are not afraid to tell you when you’re wrong. They help you reset your course. And they are also the first people to stand and clap for you when they see you succeed. So go on and find some amazing people to dream with.

Day 31
“Without good direction, people lose their way; the more wise counsel you follow, the better your chances.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭11:14‬ ‭MSG‬‬
I’m updating this late today because to be completely honest I had nothing to say after I read todays devotional this morning. I was tired and my brain just wasn’t doing anything lol. I just reread the scripture and it sounds completely different from what I read this morning, even though its the exact same thing! Thank God I did not attempt to write to you guys early today because it would probably be a bunch of straight up nonsense haha... Today’s devotional is about finding the right people to tell your dreams. Let’s be real here. Not everyone wants to see you succeed, not everyone will be genuinely happy for you when you do. Not everyone will give you advice that is wise and knowledgeable. I feel like I touched on this yesterday. But we will talk a little more about it today. Who do you tell? How do you find those people? Think about who you trust. If there’s people that you know you already can’t talk to about personal things because of how you’ve heard them speak of others, they are definitely not the ones to tell about your dreams. You want someone who can give you an objective opinion and advice about the dream you are about to embark on. Wisdom, we all need it. Look at the people you have around you, and really think about the ones you have seen exhibit wisdom in their life. Take their lead and watch how they live. Make sure you share your dream with those that are trustworthy, wise and who have proven to be loyal. Do you know people who have chased dreams and failed? Talk to them. Learn from them. If we don’t fail, we don’t learn. I can guarantee you that those who have failed have something that they learned from it. Ask questions of those who have “pursued their dream and achieved it and with someone who mourned that dream and moved on to another”. There’s wisdom to be gained from the people around us. Let us learn from them and allow those lessons to help us be brave.  

Day 32
“God’s gifts and God’s call are under full warranty—never canceled, never rescinded.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭11:25-29‬ ‭MSG‬‬
There’s a difference between what your calling is and what your dreams are. Prior to this devotional I had not given this concept much thought. I kind of just... wrapped the two into one and I really shouldn’t have. I also didn’t realize my thoughts on this were misguiding. It’s important to the difference. Our dreams change as life does. Whether you see a dream realized or you see a dream die, you move on to a new dream. There’s nothing wrong with having beautiful new God sized dreams. But your calling doesn’t change. It is steady, unchanging. The way you live out your calling may change as the seasons do, but your calling stays the same. “Your calling, the thing that God has placed you in you for the good of the planet and the good of your heart, isn’t going anywhere. Rebekah Lyons says your calling is where your burdens and your talents collide.” What is your calling? Think of your dream, is your calling coming through in your dream? If its not then maybe it is time to seek some of that wise counsel we’ve talked about the last couple of days.

Day 33
“I want you to think about how all this makes you more significant, not less. A body isn’t just a single part blown up into something huge. It’s all the different-but-similar parts arranged and functioning together.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:14-18‬ ‭MSG‬
Knowing what you were created to do isn’t easy it? I struggled with it so much for a long time. I could feel every single day that I wasn’t living out what I was created to do. And for a long time I had absolutely no idea how to figure it out. I was in limbo. Until I began to intentionally read my Bible. I was so desperate to find some meaning, some purpose to my life. I learned to take responsibility for my relationship with God on a daily basis. And maybe I’m preaching to the choir, maybe I sound like a broken record, but friends, reading the word of God is really that important. Your prayer life is that important. You want to know who God is and what he created you for? Read his word, spend time praying, worship more than just on Sundays. There’s so much to learn about him and about yourself and you can learn about it from the Bible because it is God breathed. But there is also very personal intimate things that God wants to whisper in your spirit and he does it when you pray, he does it when you worship. Ask God to show you who is and to show you who he created you to be. Ask him to guide you as you walk in your calling. Learn to listen to his voice. ‬

Day 34
“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:4-6‬ ‭NIV‬‬
I used to think that there was only one way to use the gifts God gave me, one way to live out my calling. Boy was I wrong. I put God in the box of my limited ideas and I’m so glad I have learned otherwise. God doesn’t fit in a neat little box and neither does your calling. I was made to worship, I was made to love. God has shown me over and over that my calling can be expressed in different ways and in all areas of my life. Not just on sundays or days I spend hours painting. I can worship God with the way I live, I can love God and all people in every moment of my life. When I encourage, lift others up, pray, give a hug... Those are all different expressions of what I have been called to do. They are not confined to only certain hours of the day and certain places, they can be done anywhere and anytime. When I go to my day job I can choose to be an example of God’s loving kindness or not.When I sit down to paint I can choose to focus on my worship to God or not. But lets be real why would I want to “not” do those things? It’s only when I do those things that I truly feel fulfillment.Why? Because my focus isn’t on me, its on God and what he wants to do through the calling he has given me. Think about your calling and the different ways it can be expressed. I know that for me the recurring “theme” in my life has been to worship and to love. I’ve had to learn to see what that looks for me on a daily basis. It’s not always easy to see it, but it’s always a beautiful revelation. We all have different gifts and ways we use those gifts but don’t forget that every single one of those gifts comes from God.

Day 35
“I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:10‬ ‭NIV‬‬
You know... I really seem to be getting ahead of myself with the topics of each day’s devotional. I really went in on the idea that our calling can be expressed in different ways yesterday. So if y’all can give me a little grace here that would be amazing. I really need to learn to reign in my thoughts to focus on the singular topic for each day and try not to overflow into what we’ll be talking about next. I promise I am not doing that on purpose! But lets talk about how our calling can have multiple expressions. I mentioned before I was made to love on people. When I was a little girl my cousins would come to me (if their moms weren’t around) for help when they got hurt. I cleaned up wounds, put on band aids, rubbed their “owies”, said the infamous “sana sana colita de rana” song that all Mexican moms sing to their hurting babies, and reassured them that they were going to be ok. I am still ready and willing to help if it is needed but I don’t find myself in that situation anymore except with my own children. One way that this desire to love on people still manifests itself in me is encouragement. I did it for my cousins and friends as a kid, a teen, and now as an adult. Actually just today a really good friend of mine reminded me of how I used to encourage her while we were in junior high and high school and she turned right around and used some of my same words towards me. Yea, if you know me at all then you know I definitely cried. That’s me, I feel things very deeply and if it hits my heart I cry. I just can’t help it... I love, love. And all the many ways it can be expressed. How is Gods asking you to be brave? How is he wanting your calling to be expressed?

Day 36
“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭21:5‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Baby steps. We dream these big beautiful audacious dreams and then what? We try to rush to the top? I don’t want a “get rich quick” scheme. I want this to last, I want this to have meaning and substance. So I’m learning to be patient while I work. I am growing and trusting God when he says he has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). I am choosing to be brave right where I am at. I’ll be here being faithful in the small things so that when the time comes, I can handle the big things. I have so much to learn and that’s ok. It’s all going to take time and that’s ok too. I hope you don’t get discouraged in the waiting. Remember there’s lessons to be learned and perseverance to gain in every season. Be brave right here right now. Trust God’s timing and let him grow you.

Day 37
God can do anything, you know-far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not buy pushing us around but by working within us, his Spirit deeply and gently within us.
-Ephesians 3:20
Guys, I hope that when you read that scripture your heart literally leaps with joy and excitement. Mine does! Honestly when I read that my spirit is lifted so high. It reminds me that God has more for me than what I can currently see and even better than that he has more for me than what I could even imagine for myself! Seriously how AMAZING is that? This scripture is teaming with hope for the future. I want to live there, in the land of Ephesians 3:20. Be encouraged today, your calling has the potential to manifest itself in so many ways “there are no dead ends.” If you missed an opportunity out of fear, its ok. Stand back up and plant yourself firmly in your faith in God and his ability. A missed opportunity doesn’t mean you wont have another. I’m still learning this too. Be brave with me, say yes to God. One decision at a time we can let God work deeply and gently within us. I want to go EVERYWHERE God wants to take me. So bring it Lord. I’m ready.

Day 38
“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men,”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:23‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Our calling isn’t always our job. Annie talked about her job at the Local Taco and how even though it wasn’t her calling she still showed up on time and did the right things. She was faithful where she was at. Just because we know what we have been called to do does not mean that all of a sudden we will have a job that reflects it. It takes time, be brave enough to work hard at any job you have while you work on living out your calling. Sometimes we just need to have a job that will get our bills paid and families fed while we use our spare time to work on what we have really been called to do. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Just remember to show up and give your best everyday because it honors God. No matter what position we are in, if we are committed to God our savior, we reflect him to the world. Annie’s prompt for us today is “ Do something at your job that takes a little courage. Suggest a new idea. Try something creative. Speak to someone you usually avoid.”

Day 39
“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15:58‬ ‭NIV‬
I went to college to be a veterinary technician. I love animals. I love taking care of them especially when they are hurt. I love taking part in the healing process. It’s a way I love on people and animals. When I got the opportunity to go back into the work force doing this, giving medical help to animals, I was very excited. Soon I realized this wasn’t it, this wasn’t what God had for me. And while I waited to move on I began to ask myself, “ok this isn’t where I’m meant to be but how can I be a vessel here in this place? How can I find my calling while I am here and put it into practice? If you’ve read any of my other entries I have mentioned that loving on people is my thing. I literally cannot imagine myself not doing that. Know what I did? I made sure I always had a smile on my face when I walked into a room. I made sure my spirit was gentle and at peace when things felt chaotic or sad for our clients and their beloved pet. And clients noticed. They’d tell our doctor “wow, she’s great with the animals.” “She’s so sweet, I appreciated her”... Our work environment wasn’t very positive outside of the site of our clients, there was a lot of tension, and bickering when clients weren’t around. There were seldom times that I’d work a full day but when I did our doctor would take notice  tell me things like “You know, when you are here there’s no fighting. It is very peaceful”... Please understand I am not saying this to puff my chest and say look how great I am. Not at all. I am saying this because I had to learn to let God work through me in the environment that I was in. It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t easy to not let myself get caught up in the drama or the gossip. Many times I could feel conversations going straight to negativity and I had to walk away from it, change the conversation, or even try to help others see things through a different perspective just to help change the atmosphere... Every day I worked to be the best example I could be of God’s love. I wasn’t perfect at it, I’m still not. But what counts is that the effort is made. I walked away from that job knowing that God touched people in some way or form. Maybe they haven’t given their lives to Christ but I know God loved on them through me because I made myself available. Who knows, maybe some day they will make the decision to follow God. I’m just glad I got to be even a blip in their journey. How can you make use of your calling where you’re at? Maybe the job you currently have is not even close to what you have been called to do. Think about why your job may be where you are meant to be for this season of your life.    ‬

Day 40
“Hard work always pays off; mere talk puts no bread on the table.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭14:23‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Side note... reading this reminded me of that thing all the young people are saying now when they talk about going to work. “Let’s get this bread!” Ha! Definitely sounds weird coming out of my mouth, lol I don’t think I was ever cool enough to say things like that. Not that I’m old haha I’m only 28... Anyway... Focus Yesenia lol... Ok and back to our normally scheduled programming. Hard work. Listen I like having easy days at work just as much as the next person but don’t get comfortable with easy. When you see things that need to get done and you have the time or ability to do it even if its not in your job description, DO IT. Get in there and put in that extra bit of hard work. It does not go unnoticed. Your coworkers, your boss, other people who happen to be around will see your work ethic and either be impressed by it... or not. I don’t know about you but I’d rather be known as a hard worker than a lazy one. I want the people I work with to know that they can depend on me even when no one is watching my every move. Look for opportunities to give more than you have. Then see the good that comes from it.

Day 41
“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Our relationships matter. They are so essential in our lives. We need them, God didn’t create us for seclusion we need people to talk with, laugh with, eat with, dream with, cry with... and the list can go on forever. Make time for the people in your life that matter. Have meals with them. Have game nights. Go out for coffee or tea, whatever fits your fancy. But do life with people who make you better. That is actually what I am working on this year. Spending time with people I love and who can  help me on this journey. I’ve asked the Lord for wisdom and I know that he will give it to me through his word but also through the Christ like people that he has already placed in my life. So, I am trying to be more intentional about the types of conversations I have with them. What people do you have in your life that you know can help you grow?

Day 42
“You are better having a friend than to be all alone, because then you will get more enjoyment out of what you earn. If you fall, your friend can help you up. But if you fall without having a friend nearby, you are really in trouble.”
‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4:9-10‬ ‭CEV‬‬
Today’s devotional title is Brave People Need People. If you think for one second that you don’t need anybody, I’ll let you know right now that you are wrong. I know in today’s culture this whole independent “I don’t need anybody but me”  mentality is pretty popular. If I’m honest, when I see people post things like that it makes my heart ache for them. We all need friendship. It takes courage to make friends. You’re letting them into your space, and into the vulnerable parts of your life. I know deep conversations don’t always come right away but eventually they get there and that thought can be scary. But we need friends like that, we need conversations that are deep and meaningful. We need friends that we can count on when things are hard. Take time to say thank you to those friends in your life who have truly been there for you and let them know how special they are in your life.

Day 43
“Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1:3-6‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Family is important. I grew up with a very tight knit family, us cousins all grew up under the same roof and spent many many hours and days playing together and sometimes fighting but more importantly learning to be there for each other no matter what. I know that’s not always the case fro everyone. Knowing how much love there was in my family (despite the disagreements) made it a joyful experience to bring in friends and make them a part of what was happening in our home. We made friends who became like family. Be brave enough to love your family even when its hard. I do understand that we may have family members who are “toxic”  and it is wiser to love them from a distance and that’s ok. Pray for them, for their health spiritually, physically, and mentally. Be brave enough to go out and start your own family despite how hard your childhood may have been. Find your people and break those chains you’ve been carrying around that keep you from truly connecting to others. You have a family in Christ, lean on them for wisdom on loving the family you have and loving the family you create.

Day 44
“Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:10‬ ‭ESV‬‬
This topic on how much we need each other is so important. How we love and respect one another is important. Love like the one that is spoken about in this scripture changes you and the changes the other person. The community of people we do life with is such a special gift. Put down the walls you may have built around  yourself and give people a chance to really know you and love you for you. The fact is, when we surround ourselves with God loving, Christ like people they make us better and we them. We all have a part to play in each other’s lives. Don’t be afraid to see what you can learn from someone else and what others may learn from you.

Day 45
“Trust GOD from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for GOD ’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭3:3-12‬ ‭MSG
It just  so happens that Annie’s devo on beaming brave in dating and marriage falls on Valentine’s Day. I’m pretty I’ve heard her mention before that she didn’t do that on purpose. While I am no longer in the dating scene I do have friends who are. There’s a lot of “unknowns”‬‬ going on for you singles out there. All I can really say is while you’re putting yourself out there, be brave enough to not compromise what you believe or who you are. Don’t pretend to be someone you are not because you want to impress another person. Trust God’s timing for you and take whatever lessons you can get from this season in your life. It’s preparing for what’s to come. Spouses, have fun in your marriage. I can tell you my husband is my best friend. We talk about everything together. We are open about things that are bothering us, why we got angry about something, the words that were said that hurt us, how we could’ve handled our kid’s melt down better, what our kids did that was funny or sweet or amazing, how we tackled things great together that day, we tell each other how grateful we are for one another and why, we joke about dumb stuff and make fun of ourselves for turning something small into a big deal, we dream about our future together and make plans on how to get there, we bring our joys and sorrows to one another and celebrate them or lift them up in prayer, we talk about what troubles our friends and we pray for them, we talk about our friend’s victories and we celebrate them. We do life together and we love it. The hard stuff the great stuff the in between not so fun stuff. It all comes together to make a beautiful life. Don’t put walls up in your marriage, be open and communicate even when its hard. Go out on dates together. Choose love and keep God at the center of it all.

Day 46
“Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Maybe you’re new to church and you’re still loving the experience and that’s great. I’ve seen a lot of people feel as if their church let them down, I’ve seen a lot of people walk away from their faith because of the people they experienced at their church. It’s sad really but its a reality. People make church hard, people aren’t perfect and they mess up a lot. I hope that when people make mistakes you will remember that you aren’t there because your faith is in people, you are there because your faith is in God. Dealing with imperfect people gives you the opportunity to put that 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love into practice. Annie mentioned this in today’s devotional and I love it every time I think of it, “I once asked my friend Pastor Scott Sauls what happens when you stay in a church even when you are hurt or it seems hard. He said, “That’s when you grow up.”” This Christian walk isn’t made to be simple and carefree. We wrestle with the scriptures we read and we wrestle through our relationships. We need to wrestle through those things to foster growth in our lives. We need to be involved at our church, it’s important for our walk, how do we grow if we don’t give ourselves the opportunity to be a part of a community of believers. If you can be brave enough to love well within your church full of imperfect people you can also love well outside of the church. The world needs to see that 1 Corinthians 13 love in action. So get plugged in, if you don’t have a church find one, if you don’t know where to start ask someone. Visit different churches until you find one that fits. But find one and be brave enough to really be a part of it.

Day 47
“Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13:20‬ ‭NLT‬‬
The thought of asking someone to be my mentor made me so nervous. But you know something, It doesn’t have to be this formal thing that happens. We don’t have to make it hard. There’s probably already people in your life that you can think of that are wise. Look to them for help with those hard questions you have. Maybe ask them out for coffee and just talk about life, the fun parts, the hard parts, the seemingly boring parts. You need people around you that are steps ahead of you to learn from and help you grow. It doesn’t have to be one person mentoring you for every part of your life. You can have someone that you can ask questions about parenting, someone else that you ask questions about marriage or dating, another to ask questions about business... Whatever you need help with, find someone who you see walk through those parts of life wisely. There’s so much to gain from mentorship. Take time to learn and don’t rob them of the blessing of being able to guide you along your journey. Find someone older and wiser than you ask them out for coffee shoot them a text,  do something, as long as its a step forward.

Day 48
““You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:14-16‬ ‭NLT‬‬
Oh the internet. How many of you have a love hate relationship with it? I love the way it can reconnect friendships and help us keep in touch with friends and family that are far from us. Unfortunately it can also be a very angry, very mean place. So I do my best to keep my online presence light, kind, and colorful. Don’t hide the light God has given you to share with the world. Be brave and share your stories about God. It takes courage to put your relationship with God on the internet because the world isn’t necessarily open to hearing God being given praise. It may cost you some “follows” I know its costed me some. Almost every time I share things about my faith on my Instagram page (@withlovefrom_yesi) I get unfollowed, sometimes I gain followers, I never really know what’s going to happen when I tap that “post” button. I’ve come to the conclusion that if talking about my faith causes people to unfollow me, I’m 100% ok with that. Maybe those people weren’t ready to hear about God’s loving kindness yet. No matter what other people do I will still be here sharing God’s love with everyone and anyone who is willing to listen. Be brave with me and share your light with the world, they may not know it yet, but they need it.

Day 49
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.”
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭1:1-3‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Words matter, especially the ones that come out of your mouth. God spoke it all into existence light, land, plants, animals, people.... God was brave enough to speak humanity into existence knowing that we would break his heart. We all have courage already planted within us, we were made that way, use your words to help that courage sprout leaves and grow. When you speak to others encourage them, water their seeds and spur them on. Life is hard enough on its own, be someone that reminds the people around you how incredibly capable they are with the power of God that lives within them. We need more of that.When you see someone who’s spirit needs to be lifted up be brave enough to speak life into them. Don’t let them continue on with a downcast face because you’re afraid of not knowing what to say. Sometimes all it takes is a hug and a reminder that they are not alone. Be brave today and look for opportunities to encourage others.

Day 50
“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭121:1-2‬ ‭NIV‬‬
As life changes, so do some of our relationships. It’s not easy when you’re going through a season where you know you need to let go of someone for one reason or another. When you know you have to let go of a friend, that’s tough. And it takes courage to move on. Whatever relationship you feel is changing, be brave enough to let God into those hurting places. Don’t put walls up around your heart in an effort to stop yourself from feeling the pain. It’s ok to have emotions, they serve a purpose. Let God in, write about what is happening in your heart, pray about it, talk to someone. Just don’t stuff it down, nothing good comes from it. Ask God to reveal himself to you in the middle of your pain.

Day 51
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Change is bound to happen, there’s absolutely nothing we can do about that. We may not love it but we can’t hide from it. A couple of years ago I was faced with a big change and honestly it shook me. But I’ve learned to live with it. It still stings but even that is going away. And even though it was a change I would never want anyone else to go through God has shown me a lot through it. I learned to not let other people’s faith determine mine. I learned to take control of my relationship with God and put in the time to grow spiritually. It doesn’t matter what decisions other people make in their lives, their walk is not my walk. I refuse to let my faith die because of someone else’s lack of it... God is the  only one who is constant, and unchanging, he can use everything to teach you something invaluable. Everything is a gift to us, even the hard changes that come in life. How is God using the changes that you’ve experienced to help shape you?

Day 52
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:8
It doesn’t come by surprise to us when seasons change. The trees tell us change is coming, our calendars, the stores that tell us what we need for the coming season. And we prepare. So when that season comes we are ready. We also need to prepare for whatever changes are coming to our lives. Knowing that Jesus never changes is a sweet reminder of his constant love for me and my well-being.  We prepare for life changes by reading his word and trusting in his promises. No matter what comes in this life, we can be ready by standing firm on our faith and proclaiming the word of God over it all.  Spend time with God, talk to him daily, choose to love him daily, believe him daily. One day at a time grow your faith and let God change your heart. Thank him for being constant and never changing.

Day 53
What a person plants, he will harvest.
Galatians 6:7 MSG
Little or big, It doesn’t matter. We reap what we sow. Make daily conscious decisions to be better. We sow today what we will reap later. Every decision we make counts for the outcome of tomorrow. Don’t count something as insignificant just because its a small step to take. A step in the right direction is still a step in the right direction no matter the size. Over time those little decisions add up to make up the big picture. Going to the gym is not an easy decision to make, I try not to even give myself a choice anymore. I tell myself  “get ready, you’re going no matter what because you have to.” I have to squash my inner voice telling me to stay home and relax before it has a chance to speak up lol. I’ll be honest there’s days (not a lot) where my workout is lazy and I’ve learned to be ok with that for now because I got myself to gym when all I really wanted to do was nap. I still opted to move my body instead of sitting on the couch and watching some tv. That’s just where I am at on my health journey. I’m working on it, one small step at a time. I’ve noticed good changes in my body, strength, and energy. I only accomplished those changes because of the small steps I was willing to take each day... What parts of your life do you need to grow that will glorify God? What little yeses can you say today that will make a better tomorrow? Do a little brave thing every day and ask God guide you, see how it changes you.

Day 54
The righteous are bold as a lion.
Proverbs 28:1
God’s people are made to be brave and courageous as lions. We were made to be confident and fearless, not because of our own ability, but because of God’s ability. Give God your yes, don’t be afraid of saying yes to God, be afraid of saying no and never reaching your full potential in Christ. I don’t want to miss the boat because I was afraid of the unknown. I want to take the ride and see where it takes me. I want to feel every wave, see every sight, experience every moment. I’m challenging myself to say yes to God things no matter how much they scare me because I understand that those are the things that will stretch and grow me. I want God to make me the absolute best version of myself that I could possibly be. Actually, just today I said yes to something that honestly scares me, but it gives me the opportunity to grow in my walk and pour into the lives of other women. Be brave with me and give God your yes every day.

Day 55
But even if he doesn’t [rescue us], we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.
Daniel 3:18
I don’t even know what to say right now. “Even if he doesn’t...” I want faith like that. I want to be courageous enough to say and yes, and also say no. I know I won’t always get it right, and that’s ok. But I want to be brave enough to try. Sometimes giving the right noes makes space for better yeses I hope I don’t drop any of those chances. I hope my faith is forever growing and that I will worship God, even if that prayer goes unanswered, even if I lose my job, even if my art shop fails, even if my loved one doesn’t get healed, even if I lost it all... Being courageous enough to say no is just as important as saying yes.

Day 56
Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!
Psalm 27:4
Waiting seasons require so much patience. I think its hard not knowing when something is going to end, or begin. Is it almost your chance to get your “big break” or do you have to keep waiting?... However long or short our wait is, we should learn to do it well. Remember how patient the Lord has been with you. I know he’s had to be very patient with me and I am so grateful he is. While you think about how patient God has been with you in your life, let it help you be patient in the waiting. Live in complete dependence on your loving father. And know without a doubt that he does not forget about you. He knows the desires of your heart, the prayers you are waiting to have answered, the dream you’ve been working for, the promise you’re waiting to see come to pass. Don’t for one moment think that our Heavenly Father has placed us on the back burner, he loves us to much to leave us. What type of waiting season are you in? Bravely walk through it as you wait on the Lord.

Day 57
“These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us. There’s far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can’t see now will last forever.”
‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭4:16-18‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Don’t y’all just love how “chill” the language is in the Message Bible translation? “Small potatoes” lol. I’ll be real, when I am not sure I understand something I pull up this version to see if it’ll help me better understand what is being said. Most of the time that works for me. Today we are talking about holding on. I know sometimes... or most times, its easier to let go of something that hurts to hold on to, or maybe you’re just downright tired of holding on but you know God hasn’t told you to let go. It would be so much easier to give up, but it wouldn’t be brave. I have a friend waiting on a wife, he works on himself daily and prays for her daily, while he waits for that day to come. I have another friend that keeps getting over looked for jobs but she keeps applying and interviewing anyway. I have a dream of being able to spread the joy and the love of the Lord through my art and that it will help provide for my family. It may not provide for my family yet, but someday it will... It’s hope guys, we all have hope and serve a faithful, trustworthy God who always keeps his promises. Hold on to things even when its hard, until God says its time to release it. Let someone encourage you today and tell them what you are holding on to. The hard things now are nothing compared to the goodness God has coming your way.

Day 58
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭43:18-19‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Letting go can be just as challenging as holding on. But if you don’t let go of something you should no longer hold on to, you can’t grab a hold of something new. There will be times in your life when the Lord needs you to let go in order to give you something new, fresh, better. It doesn’t do well to dwell on the past when God is entrusting you with something greater. Letting go is hard when you can't see what you need to grab on to, that’s when you need to let your courage rise within you. It doesn’t matter if what you are letting go of has been good or bad for you, its not easy saying goodbye. Say goodbye and trust that what you are saying yes to is what’s best for you. Be brave and trust that even though you may not know what’s next, God does. Let your faith step in where your human vision ends. What can you let go of today that can make room for what’s best?

Day 59
“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭8:28‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“Brave people are ok with change because they remember that change is for our good.” Embracing change doesn’t mean you have to love it. But it does mean you can walk through it knowing that God is working it for your good. Instead of trying to prevent it, take time to learn from it. Spend time with God trust that he has everything in control. Prepare for change because its inevitable, plan for it, make room for it and be brave as you walk through it.

Day 60
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
‭‭John‬ ‭16:33‬ ‭NIV‬‬
In this life we will face adversity, feel pain, sadness, anger, and go through messy situations, but God has overcome the world. Sweet friend go ahead and feel all the things but don’t despair. I heard it said once, “feelings are great servants but terrible masters.” Be brave and stand on God’s faithfulness when life is hard. In him we have peace and assurance of a beautiful future. There will be times when things don’t turn out the way we thought they would or should, but we have to remember that God already has the victory. He has already overcome so have courage and don’t let go of our savior.

Day 61
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.”
‭‭1 John‬ ‭3:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like to be reminded that they are loved. Especially in times when we have failed. My dad has always been good at that. Times when I messed up were the times that his love shown the brightest. He’s taught me so much about unconditional love. See, he seemed to know that it was those times that I was unlovable that I needed to be shown the most love... Let me tell you, you fail. Maybe you think that sounds harsh but its the truth. We are only human, and we will fail. Its part of learning and growing. But remember this “Brave people don’t let failure define them; they let failure teach them.” Just because you have failed doesn’t mean you are a failure. You are so incredibly loved by your Heavenly Father, and no matter how many times you fail, God won’t give up on you. He will love you through it all with grace. Be brave because you know that God loves you no matter what.

Day 62
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.””
‭‭Joshua‬ ‭1:9‬ ‭NIV‬‬
What it looks like for me to brave is different from what it looks like for you to be brave. Why? Because my calling is different than yours. The things that the Lord will ask me to yes to are different from what he will ask you to yes to. That’s true for every one of us. We are different functioning parts of the same body. A couple of years ago we said yes to a new church. Boy oh boy was that a hard decision to make. We still have so much love for the church we left, and the family we made there. Its where God built my faith and gave me a foundation. I met my husband there and started my family there. But you know what, God has grown me so much... Right now, for me, being brave looks like saying yes to helping lead a women’s Bible study to help grow our women spiritually but also build community. When they posed the question it scared me, I knew I had to say yes. Because doing this is part of the growth I’ve been asking for and working on. God wants you to be strong and courageous, he wants you to be fearless, because he knows his plans for you. He knows the inner workings of your life and the people he will use you to inspire. The safest yes you will ever give is the yes you give God. Its the only yes that will guarantee an outcome that is for your good and the expansion of his kingdom. Sweet friend don’t let fear win. Where is fear holding you back right now? Ask God for his wisdom and direction for any questions you have.

Day 63
“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:4‬ ‭ESV‬‬
We all wrestle with one pain or another. I know, it seems easier to stuff it as far down into the deepest darkest corner we can find. It may work for a little while. But it will find a time to rear its ugly head and come bursting out. I don’t want my family and friends to be collateral damage because I was afraid to deal with it when I should have. Friend hiding your pain isn’t brave. Talking about it and speaking truth is. The lies that the enemy begins to speak to you through the pain, face them head on, remember the scripture that tells you who you are. You and I? We were made with a purpose, we are loved by God unconditionally, we are fearfully and wonderfully made, God made us in his image therefore we are perfectly beautiful just the way we are, we are the apple of his eye.... God treasures you, I hope I am not the first one to tell you that... I’ve been in some really dark places emotionally. You know what’s pulled me out of the darkness every. Single. Time? God’s love and truth. It doesn’t mean there wasn’t a battle to pull me out of those graves, there was, but I came out out stronger because I did it with God beside me, behind me, ahead of me, and within me. So fight the lies, strike back with what you know God’s word tells you is true. Don’t run from your pain anymore.  

Day 64
“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭28:13‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Sin...Pain... They like being hidden. They thrive in secrecy. We wrap them tightly and hide them hoping that no one will see how broken we are. Then what happens? They fester and eventually somehow make their way out. Friend don’t let those hidden things take away your peace and your healing. Invite someone wiser than you into it and see how much grace others can have if you give them the chance. More importantly give God the chance to show you his mercy. The only way you find healing is if you talk to someone about your pain. Don’t carry it around and never talk to anyone about it. Its to heavy a burden to carry on your own. Learn to push aside your pride, fear, whatever it is that’s making you keep it in. Let it go. Lay it at our Father’s feet and let him wash you clean.

Day 65
Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.
Proverbs 19:21
Things don’t always go the way we plan. Relationships change, careers, family, church... We plan our lives, we go from one thing to the next and although its good to have a plan, God comes in and moves things around. I’ve mentioned before that we moved churches. It took me longer to accept the shift than it took my husband. I remember telling him the only way I was leaving our home church was if the Lord moved us far out of Fresno. I loved our church and the people I had come to know. Fast forward, we visited another church to see some friends, the messages for the coming month (February) were on relationships and I wanted to go back to listen. It was in the middle of those services that I knew. John had already known and he was gracious and patient enough to wait for me to know too. That’s where the Lord wanted us. He took us into a new season of our lives and the last, about 2 years, have been beautiful. Divine detours are God’s thing. I never thought I would leave the church that I got saved in, but now looking back maybe that church and the wonderful people I got to know there were always meant to be a season for me. They helped shape and lay down a foundation of faith. We made lasting friendships there with people we still do life with even though we no longer attend the same church. What divine detours has God taken you on? Be brave and say yes to God, don’t forget that everything he does is for your good and the betterment of his kingdom. Even though detours are scary at first, I do love a good adventure.

Day 66
“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Perseverance, endurance, hope, love poured out. It is so important in our walk of faith to persevere when things are hard and not goin the way we thought they should. Friend I’m here with you, telling you, don’t give up. Keep praying that prayer, hold on to that promise, if you’re hanging by a thread hold on with all you’ve got. When we persevere we gain endurance, build character, and gain hope because of the love God so generously pours out on us. When I read that, I picture his love washing over me as if I was standing under a waterfall. He doesn’t measure out how much love he decides he is going to show us each day, no, God is all in. He will shower you with his love at all times, his love doesn’t rain, it pours. I get it, its so tiring holding on to something that doesn’t seem to be getting better but if he hasn’t told you its time to let go then stay. I don’t mean that if you are in an abusive relationship or marriage that you should stay, please don’t do that, get help. But, if you are married to a Godly man and you are tired, disillusioned, wanting “freedom”, stay, get counseling, let God back in. Its not easy holding on when it seems so much easier to run. Running from the hard stuff does nothing to benefit your heart or your character. Be brave and persevere today, then wake up tomorrow and persevere some more. What are you struggling to hold on to right now? I may not be able to physically hold your hand, but I am here, we can persevere together.

Day 67
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Galatians 6:9
Look how far we’ve come! How awesome is that!? We are more than half way through and still hanging on. I know that I’ve seen personal change during the last 67 days and I know you have too. Think back at what we’ve talked about, our pain, joys, calling, our purpose and how we have taken the time to learn to be brave in all of those. Take time today to reflect on how you’ve grown, and remember, don’t stop here. We still have more growing to do together.

Day 68
On hearing this, Jesus said, “ Its is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”
Matthew 9:12
I once went through a season of depression. I was walking around like a zombie, I couldn’t feel anything. And when I did all I felt was pain. I barely ate, I had no appetite. I cried myself to sleep almost every night. And then, I started to do the one thing I had always been taught. Pray. I cried out to God begging to have this pain taken from me, begging to feel joy again. And you know what, he answered. I remember sitting in my bed crying while I prayed and literally feeling him wrap his arms around me. I’ll never forget how tangible his spirit was in that moment, then he whispered “everything is going to be ok.” When you experience God like that, no matter how simple his words, you  believe him with all you’ve got. Thus began my healing journey. It wasn’t easy, I had to let him cut out the pain, the shame, and wait patiently as all my pieces got brought back together again, restoration came, and he wrote love on my heart... We all have stories of pain in our lives, are you letting God put your pieces back together? He heals pain in a way nothing and no one else can. And maybe we can’t see what is in our future but we can know with our whole heart that God has our best, always on his mind. We make mistakes, we say things and do things that we shouldn’t because we are imperfect human beings, but we can “be brave in the face of brokenness” because God can go in and shape us and mold us into all that he purposed us to be. He can spiritually mend us in ways we never knew we needed.  

Day 69
“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;”
‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭6:19‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Our bodies.... If you start a conversation about body image with a group of women that conversation can go on forever. But what direction would that conversation go in? Most of the time it would probably go straight to negativity, how we hate this or that about it. The truth is our bodies are “vessels that hold a mighty God” and that my sweet friend is beautiful. We were made in the image of God and the intricacies that went into forming us from start to finish are amazing. Our bodies are capable of so much but we can only use them to their fullest potential if. they. work. We’ve talked about our spirits and our minds now we are going to be talking about our bodies. Get your heart ready.

Day 70
“For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:11‬ ‭
Discipline hurts. Literally. Lol I have been working on my health for a little while now. Drinking more water, watching my portions, getting my body moving. To be honest I don’t know which part is the hardest. The exercise physically hurts. My body is sore. Younger me could run circles around me now, my lack of physical ability is a little embarrassing but I know that if I remain disciplined I can regain strength and endurance. In the same way, if we let discipline train us, we can gain strength and endurance in our faith. Though growth is uncomfortable, it will yield fruit if you push forward. I’m so grateful for the spiritual growth I’ve experienced, but I can’t wait to continue. I’m not done growing. In fact I don’t ever want to stop growing. I can only hope that I am physically, mentally, and spiritually discipline enough to continue this growth journey in its best and hardest times. “Discipline is  the work done on the practice field so you are ready for the big game.” I want to see where God takes me. I’m excited for it. And I want to be prepared to step into whatever it is that he has planned. I want to confidently say yes, knowing the work God does in me to prepare me. Where can you be more disciplined? Be brave with me and yes to the hard stuff. 

Day 71
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. 
Psalm 118:24
You know what else is just as important and takes just as much bravery as discipline? Play. That’s right play. How often do we get so caught up and wrapped up in work, responsibility, finishing a task list? The world isn’t going to end if you set those things down for a little while and play. Go do something fun. It is so important to take time to stop when everything around us is moving at top speed, and say, “I’m going to take a breather and go have some fun”. I’ve had to learn to do this, actually I’m still learning. I have to make the conscious effort to stop and play with my children, or stop and leave the house by myself without my two children in tow so I could go sit at the bookstore with my coffee, a book, and my art supplies and just do whatever it is that will be fun for me in that moment. Yes, to me, reading is fun. Just as fun as pulling out a paint brush or pencil and getting creative. Listen, play will look different for everyone. We used to be part of a young adults group that would take time during the week to go play volleyball together and it was always so much fun. It was a stress free thing we did to have fun together, laugh together, talk, we built community and friendship ad it was beautiful. We still have connections with a lot of the people we befriended during that time in our lives. But play doesn’t have to be done only when you are really young, it needs to be done throughout the enviros your life. Be brave enough to press pause and play.  

Day 72
“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
I’ll be honest... I feel hypocritical writing about this to you. My body is the one thing I haven’t truly taken care of in a long time. As important as it is, its so easy to make it the last thing I care for. My challenge to myself and you is that we would get moving. I am a mom and my energy and time is used to take care of my kids, work, our home, ministry, and building this small business. Usually before the day even ends I am already EXHAUSTED. I know many of you understand what that feels like. We can stress ourselves out just thinking about the do list we have on our hands each day. Can I say something though? The few times that I have gone to intentionally workout I feel great. This isn’t about making our waists smaller (though that’s also a nice thought lol) its truly about health. If we don’t take the initiative to make our bodies stronger and healthier than we are limiting the type of impact we can have on the people around us. We need to honor our bodies because we only get one, and we need it to take us anywhere God says “Go”. I’m not good at treating my body well, but I want to be. Will you be brave with me and start taking steps to get stronger and gain some physical endurance as well as spiritual? I know we can do this I believe in each and every one of us. 

Day 73
So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
1 Corinthians 10:31
We all love to eat good food. I guess the hard part is being able to decide between food that is just good and food that is also good for you. I struggle with that all the time. Y’all salad is NOT my best friend lol. Now I don’t consider myself a picky eater but when it comes to salad, the ones I enjoy are few and far between. Now I’m not saying to make them the only thing you eat, but making them a part of our regular consumption can’t hurt. I’m not getting this whole healthy lifestyle thing right every day but I am trying. In fact, I probably shouldn’t have eaten the cookies and milk I had earlier. Oops. We aren’t always going to get it right, but I think that if we keep our focus on God and how he designed us, we can be more intentional with the way we care for our bodies. Let’s eat our veggies more often and put down the fast food... “God doesn’t want one compartment of your life to honor him. He wants your everything. He wants every part of you and your identity to bring glory to him.”

Day 74
“It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don’t you know he enjoys giving rest to those he loves?”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭127:1-2‬ ‭MSG‬‬
You know what else is good for your body? Rest. I know... I know... We have to work. We have kids to take care of. A house to clean. Meals to cook. School. Ministry. Family to attend to. Friendships to keep. Its life, always somewhere to go, and responsibilities to take care of. But friends we also need to be able to stop and breathe. Burn out is a real thing. Don’t do that to yourself. God rested and so should we. He wants to give you rest and he knows your body and mind need it. Be brave with me this week and take time to rest.

Day 75
“Do your work in six days and rest on the seventh day.”
Exodus 34:21
Yes we will talk about rest again. Have you ever thought about implementing a sabbath to your weekly schedule? I personally have not implemented it. It really isn’t something I had ever even considered until I began listening to Annie’s podcast That Sounds Fun. The more I hear her talk about it with the guests on pod the more I really want to add a sabbath to my family’s weekly schedule. Its really either a day or a block of time once a week that you unplug, do no work, and relax. You do whatever rest looks like to you. I know that for me personally, I would take time to read, probably create some sketches just for fun (not for work), if I could take a drive to a lake or the mountains and just relax and have a small picnic that would be amazing, I’d probably nap, worship, I actually would love to have a nice relaxing coffee or tea date with a friend. I know its not easy to put work on hold for a little while, but a healthy mind, body, and spirit needs that time. We live in a fast pace world, trust me, all your responsibilities will still be there waiting after you have rested. The world won’t end because you decided to put wok down for a little while. Be brave with me and let go of the FOMO. Let’s take time to quiet the noise.

Day 76
The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
Proverbs 12:18
Words can hurt and they can also heal. I know I have been on the receiving end of hurtful words but I’ve also experienced the beauty of life giving words. Many times people don’t think about what’s they say before they say it, they just let their unchecked emotions speak for them. Reckless words can do so much damage to a person’s heart. I was once told by someone important to me that because of my mistake, God would not use me anymore. That same person spoke words that held nothing but bitterness and death over the life of my daughter that hadn’t even been born yet. I remember that being the first time that I felt the instant need to protect my daughter’s heart and spirit. Yes, I did feel angry with this person for a little while but I quickly realized I couldn’t waist my time on them. I used that moment to motivate me to pray daily for my daughter, for her heart, her spirit, and her future. I could’ve let those words, spoken to me in anger, pull me back into depression, but I refused to let the enemy drag me down that hole again. Especially knowing I had precious life growing inside me... You know what helped? The words of encouragement and love that I received from other family members and friends. I was blessed to be surrounded by people who knew I didn’t need to be pushed away or exiled, I needed to be pulled in and loved on. I will forever be grateful to the people who showed me grace during that season of my life. They’ll never know how much good they truly did for my heart. They are the ones that really counted. Their encouragement and willingness to be there for us gave me strength. I don’t want to be reckless with the words that come out of my mouth. I want to choose them carefully and lovingly. I want to encourage and lift up the people around me, not tear them down. I don’t want to add to the already negative narrative that is probably already playing in a person’s mind, I want to be able to be a light. Who can you encourage today? Don’t hesitate to speak words of life to someone you see needs it.

Day 77
“Jesus replied: “ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22:37-40‬ ‭NIV‬‬
This subject couldn’t have come at a better time. Friends there’s so much fear and uncertainty going around right now because of this virus. Schools have shut down, stores have closed their doors, many people don’t have a job to go to which means people are wondering how they are going to make ends meet. I know none of know what’s going to happen next and knowing that our normal has been taken from us tips you off balance. I hope you remember how much you are loved and you make the brave choice to love on others as well. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” You know what your family needs and the lengths you will go to make sure they have it. While you are taking care of your family, don’t forget about that disabled neighbor that can’t get around quite as easily, don’t turn a blind eye to that elderly person you see struggling to get the scraps left behind by everyone else. Extend a helping hand to those around you that you see are in need of some kindness. Let’s take care of each other, there’s no need to leave anyone behind. Church now is the time to show what God’s love truly looks like. He loves us immensely, lets show the world what his love looks like in action. Our neighbors need us to step up and be brave, show up with faith that is bigger than fear. I love you all, don’t forget to be great examples of God’s loving kindness.

Day 78
Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.
1 Corinthians 11:1
Now I’ve never had a formal mentor. But I have had people in my life that have left a lasting impression on me and who I’ve looked up to and remembered when things have gotten tough. I sometimes wish I had sought out a mentor when I was younger. I’ve made it a point to be more intentional about it now. I haven’t necessarily asked anyone to be my mentor but I have core people around me that I know I can take my questions to. People who are slightly older and a couple that are the same age as I am. It’s important to have people like that in your life. It’s also important for you to be that person in someone else’s life. You may still have a lot to learn (I know I do) but don’t forget that you have already gone through seasons of life that others are only starting to experience. Make yourself available to those that are younger than you who are trying to figure things out that you already learned and gained experience from. Think of someone you can text or call, check on them, see how life is going. After this quarantine is over maybe you can go out and get coffee together.  Friends don’t forget to continue loving on the people around you during this time.

Day 79
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Psalm 119:105 ESV
Knowing someone else’s story is powerful. When you are walking through something hard and you feel alone in it, then you hear someone else’s story about how they overcame. That’s powerful. It reassures you that you can make it through this, there is more, things get better. Friends your story can do just that for whoever is coming behind you. Even in seasons of trial and tribulation you can find God’s love pouring out on you. His pursuit for your heart never ends. Be a trailblazer for those that are making their way right behind you. Tell your story, give them courage, show them that it is possible to make it past whatever they are going through and let them learn from you.

Day 80
The earth and everything on it belong to the Lord. The world and its people belong to him.
Psalm 24:1
In my Bible I have this verse highlighted with the words “ Everything that I have, everything that I am, belongs to God.” This mindset is not easy to keep. It’s so easy for us to look at the time and energy that we put into things like work, and relationships and think “that’s mine because I did that.” While yes you had to put action behind those things, it doesn’t make them yours. When you live surrendered to God you know that it is because of his grace that you have made it this far, it is because of his healing you are still here, because of his joy you can go on to tomorrow, because of his love you can be free. You see sweet friend your story is not just your story, it is ultimately His story. The story of his love and pursuit of you. “Living for self? That’s easy. Living like everything you have is God’s (because it is)? That’s brave.” So what’s the story God is weaving for you? What gifts has he entrusted you with?  Write it down, all of it, no matter how big or small it may seem. Look at what you have to offer to the people who’s ears (or eyes) your story reaches. Because you do, you know... have something to offer. Don’t let the enemy make you believe you don’t.

Day 81
Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Romans 12:13
I’ve always been under the impression that hospitality is something you can only practice at home... But, I don’t think that’s true. You can put hospitality into practice at church by greeting the regular church goers you see every Sunday and the new ones that walk through the doors, at work when customers walk in or new coworkers are introduced, at school when a new student walks in, or anywhere you go really. You have the ability to make others feel welcome just by the way you say hello. Here’s the thing though, you have to be willing to give up some of your time to do that. I know most of us usually hold tight to our time because we know what we have to do next. But our time is not our own. God gave us the time we have as a gift. Choose to use it to spread the love of God. Be generous with your time, you can help change people’s lives with it. Talk to your neighbors, extend friendship to people who seem lonely, don’t hold back grace when someone needs it. Be brave enough to surrender your time to God’s plan and trust that there is a purpose to every moment.

Day 82
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given to him.
James 1:5
God will give you wisdom and give it to you generously. All you need to do is ask. In 2 Chronicles 1:7 God told King Solomon he could ask for anything and it would be given to him, and the only thing he asked for was wisdom. That’s all. You have freely been given wisdom (if you have asked for it), be brave and offer it to others just as freely as it has been given to you. I know we get caught up with our age and its really easy to think you are too young to offer any wisdom. I want you to know that’s not true. There is always someone younger, or newer to the faith (regardless of age) that you can offer it to. People need it and they want it, wisdom not opinions. Because you have God within you, you are able to offer his wisdom to others. Knowing him and his word lights up your way and stirs up courage within you. While you get up the courage to share your wisdom with others, be willing to receive it from someone who is ahead of you. Ask God for wisdom if you haven’t already and thank those around you that have been voices of wisdom in your life.

Day 83
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:24‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Be generous with your money, yes I said it. I know we all have things we want and things that we need. But don’t hold on to it so tightly that you keep yourself from experiencing what it is to be able to bless someone else with it. There’s a difference between being financially irresponsible and being generous. Not only that, but when we are generous with our money its just one more way of showing God that we trust him to provide for us and that we understand that our money is not our own, it belongs to him. My daughter teaches me generosity all the time. She’s 8 years old and is willing to let go of her chore money freely to whoever needs it. She saves it for things she’d like to buy but there’s been countless moments where she has given it to someone because she felt they needed it more than she did. That’s beautiful. Seeing her do that inspires me to do it too. Giving of your money may not always look like actually giving money to someone. There’s times when it might look like you buying a meal for a homeless person who is hungry, or buying a hot cup of coffee for someone who is cold, maybe buying a pair of shoes for someone in need. You just never know what the Lord asks you to do with it, but my hope is that you remain ready to give with a cheerful heart to those around you. Be brave with your money.

Day 84
Gracious words are like a honeycomb , sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
Proverbs 16:24
Our words are something many of us can stand to be more generous with. The things you allow to come from your mouth have a huge impact on the people you encounter from day to day. So what are you filling your soul with? Read God’s word, worship at home or in your car, pray everyday, put yourself in situations where you allow God to grow you and work through you. We can be brave enough to stop the constant intake of negativity and choose to pour out positive words to others and ourselves. The key word is choose. We have to choose everyday to speak love and life. If we can do that daily we will start to see change in the way we think, our mind-set will become more positive. You will let go of judgement and give out grace. Instead of jealousy you will rejoice with others. You won’t have room in your vocabulary for cussing because it will not mirror who you want to become. Hurting others with your words will be something you do your best to avoid. This world has enough people in it that choose to use words to cut deeply into those around them. Be someone that speaks life into others. Think of someone you can text, call, or even send a letter to and gift them words of encouragement.

Day 85
“Make sure you don’t take things for granted and go slack in working for the common good; share what you have with others. God takes particular pleasure in acts of worship—a different kind of “sacrifice”—that take place in kitchen and workplace and on the streets.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:16‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Some of my most treasured memories growing up are the ones where strangers turned into friends who turned into family. You know how that happens? You let people in. Into your home, into your heart. It’s not easy to welcome people into your safe places, but God loves it when we are generous with our sacred spaces. Home is where we make lasting memories, its where we love on our people, we share meals and offer comfort to others. Brave people open up their home to bring others into the love that is held within. Invite people into your home, share what you have and make sure they know that they are cared for and seen.

Day 86
“Tell them to go after God, who piles on all the riches we could ever manage—to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they’ll build a treasury that will last, gaining life that is truly life.”
‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭6:17-19‬ ‭MSG‬‬
Friends, God has called us to be extravagantly generous. Does that mean you have to be financially rich to be able to do that? Absolutely not. We do what we can with what we have. What do we have? We have time, resources, talents and yes also money. These all look different for each and every one of us but we all have them. We can be ready to let God use us everywhere we go, you can literally change someone’s day just by being observant that they need a hug and doing it, who knows that one hug can maybe even be the beginning of changing their life. Yes, a hug can do that, it communicates love and tenderness, and it tells them they are cared for without even saying a word. Live in such a way that you are willing to give others your time, lend out your talents, and use your money to further the kingdom of God. I want God’s love to be manifested through me everywhere that I go. Be brave enough to put yourself and your wants aside to make difference in the world.

Day 87
“Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭3:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬
There’s two things reading the Old Testament does for me every time I read it. (Not the only things it does but still important). It’s not necessarily that I forget God’s holiness, but it refocuses my perspective on it and fills me with wonder. I think that day to day our awe of him can dwindle in and out just because of how busy we tend to be. Our minds can get so focused on our daily tasks that we forget to stop and take a moment to think about how good God is. I’m so thankful that I don’t have to make sacrifices for another person to make my requests known to God. We have been given access to him and we can enter into his presence on our own whenever we want. When I want to spend some time alone with God I usually do it in the heart of our home, in the living room. I open up the curtains so I can see the trees outside, set my coffee on our end table, find a space on our couch, pull a blanket over my legs, turn on soft worship music, and open up my Bible. That is my sacred space. If I am able to do this before my kids wake up it’s wonderful. If not, I still do it and enjoy it, but with a lot more distractions haha. If I could sit somewhere overlooking wildflowers, trees, streams of water, and  mountains while I read my Bible I would do that every day. But its not practical while living in the city so I enjoy the trees we have outside our window and appreciate watching their branches dance in the breeze as I think on God and whatever he is putting in my heart that day. If you don’t have a sacred space in your home, find one. It doesn’t mean that’s only place you can read God’s word its just a special place you go. Friend be intentional about spending time in God’s presence. Being in his presence is indescribable. It fills you in every way you need and it is just....special. That word falls flat when you know what it’s like to experience God. I don’t think there is any word that can truly encompass what its like to be in God’s presence. So I ask you today, be brave in finding a sacred space for your time with God and be intentional to seek his face.  

Day 88
“My command is this. Love each other as I have loved you.”
John 15:12 NIV
I want to be present. When I am engaged in conversation with someone, spending time with my kids, or my husband I want to be all there. We have these phones that get us connected to social media which gets us connected to friends and family. But how many times have we disconnected ourselves from what is actually happening in front of us because we are to busy laughing at or admiring what’s on a screen. For some of us, we do the same thing with a book, or maybe even music. We check out from what’s happening around us and zero in on something that helps us escape. I know we all need a break sometimes and that’s ok. But don’t get so caught up with the idea of escaping from reality that you miss out on the beauty that’s unraveling right here, right now. Be brave and put down your distractions, take time to love and appreciate what’s in front of you. Love others intentionally by being present where you are.

Day 89
“Let the heavens rejoice, let the earth be glad; let the sea resound, and all that is in it. Let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them; let all the trees of the forest sing for joy.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭96:11-12‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Have you ever sat on a beach or gone on a hike and just let your heart admire the beauty in all the things God created? There’s something so peaceful about meeting God in his creation. I remember moments where I have been out in nature and I feel him tugging at my heart to meet him there. Many times there was no agenda, or plan, or specific thing he wanted to talk to me about. He Just wanted to be present in that moment and sit quietly with me. I can’t tell you how many times my heart has been overwhelmed with gratitude, belonging, and love in those moments. Spending time in God’s presence makes you brave. He restores, strengthens, and fills you with his spirit. Spend some time with God out in nature. There’s nothing quite like it.

Day 90
My friends, you were chosen to be free. So don't use your freedom as an excuse to do anything you want. Use it as an opportunity to serve each other with love.
‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:13‬ ‭CEV‬‬
Our homes are our retreat. It’s the one place we go to rest, where we find peace. Our home is where we can quiet the world and just be ourselves. “To sacrifice in that place is to sacrifice deeply.” I remember growing up and my parents opening the door to our home to family that needed help getting back on their feet. We would have little cousins living with us while their mom was looking for a place of their own. I shared my bedroom with 5 other family members at one point. And I remember enjoying it. It felt good to help. It felt good to be there sharing meals, comfort, laughter, and love. Our apartment isn’t very big, but its cozy and I wouldn’t hesitate to open our door to someone in need. I learned how to share what I have no matter how much or little it is. Like I said before I love love. It’s beautiful to sacrifice for others. Are you brave enough to let someone else stay within the comfort of your own home? Are you brave enough to be kind to the people already living within your home? Can you wash the dishes first even though someone else was supposed to do it? What about taking out the trash even though its someone else’s assigned chore? Sometimes its easier to do kind things for people who are on the outside, but what about being willing to joyfully serve the family that is in your home? Take time to thank God for your home, count your blessings and ask him  what it can look like for you to be brave in your home.

Day 91
“The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no command greater than these.”
Mark 12:31
I think that many times when we think of this scripture we automatically think about our neighbors in other countries, or other communities that are facing hardship. There’s nothing wrong with that, we should think of them and help them. But what about the people who are literally your neighbors, the ones you walk past every day when you’re walking to your cars to go to work in the morning. Or the ones you see going for walks through the neighborhood in the evenings. The person working out next you at the gym or checking out at the grocery store or Target. I have friends who live next door to me and when schools shut down because of COVID-19 one of our neighbors who had gone to a school to pick up food for her children also picked one up for my friend’s baby. It was such a sweet gesture. There’s been moments when I’ve helped neighbors get their groceries up to their apartment, or noticed a child struggling to get their trash bag into the dumpster so I offered to help them throw it away... So my question to you is are you brave enough to love the people that are doing life right next  to you? Are you making a difference in your community by offering your time, energy, or talent? There are souls living right next to you that need to experience the love of God. Don’t keep his love to yourself, spread it around.

Day 92
“Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.”
‭‭Jeremiah‬ ‭29:7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
We talked a little about making a difference in your immediate space, and community. But what about your city? Do you have love for it? Or better yet do you show love for it? Sometimes it feels easier to go out to another country and preach the gospel to people who's language you may not even know. And its wonderful to have the calling and courage o do that. But what about the people who are in need of the gospel message right here in your own city. The people who sleep under the same stars and sky that you do, except... they  don’t have a roof over their head. The people who are riddled with anxiety and depression but they haven’t found peace and joy in the Father like you have. It takes courage to take the good news to the people that are just a short walk or drive away from you.  They don’t need you to write them sermons (unless that’s what you’ve been called to do) and lists of what they should and shouldn’t do. They need you to share the love of Christ with them. They need to be served with cheerful hearts and grace filled lips. They need encouragement and someone to say “come with me, let me show you how good God is.” Friend have courage to reach out and volunteer in your city.

Day 93
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭13:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Not everyone is happy with our current president. Not everyone is happy with the way he, or any of our elected officials are dealing with the Corona Virus. People are dissatisfied with everyone from our most important part of our government and all the way down the ladder. Schools are shut down in an effort to keep our children safe and many are not happy about the process... I understand the frustration, but we need to remember to give each other some grace.  None of us know how this is going to end. We don’t even know what’s going to happen tomorrow, all of us are taking this day by day. I can’t imagine what kind of stress our elected officials are under right now. They have such a heavy weight on their shoulders. The weight of the entire country is on them right now. This virus doesn’t care who you are, it doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor. What does it look like to be brave right now? Prayer. It looks like getting on your knees and praying for your country. Praying for the government that is over us and asking God for wisdom on their behalf. It looks like loving the people of your country and praying that we begin to breathe the truth of God back into our homes and communities. Yes, we can be brave when we don’t know what tomorrow holds. Pray for the leadership of your country, and extend grace as we walk through this together.

Day 94
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭16:15‬ ‭NIV‬‬
The world is full people that are just like you and I. People that are just like the ones you know and love dearly. Now I can’t say that I have been on a mission trip to another country. But I do know that someday I want to. It takes courage to leave what you know and adopt what you don’t in order to get the good news of Jesus out and into the hearts of people. I hope that someday we diligently save or raise money to experience life and God through the eyes of someone who has a completely different life than the one we have here in the U.S. God didn’t send his only son to die on the cross for a select group of people. He sent his son for the whole world. Every soul in every corner of the world is important to God. His love for people doesn’t end at the edge of your neighborhood, city, or country. His unending love is for the entirety of humanity. Be brave and go beyond what you are so familiar with to share the love of God.

Day 95
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭122:6-7‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Jerusalem is a place I would love to be able to visit. Every time I meet someone who has visited Jerusalem they talk about how beautiful it is and the way you feel while you experience the history and culture there. This is the only city God specifically asks us to pray for. We need to pray for its peace. Prayer is powerful, it is our direct line to God and it truly changes things. Now things don’t always happen the way we think they should but God always hears your prayers. When you pray for others things change, pray for those that are being persecuted for their beliefs, pray that God brings revival. Pray for bravery when things get hard.

Day 96
“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first.”
John 15:18
It’s so easy to think of Jesus as Holy and divine, we often forget he was also human. I know that I personally have thought, well he is God’s son of course he’s perfect... And he is. He was also human. That means he felt things we feel, and was tempted by the same things we are tempted with. He had eyes, ears, hands, and feet just like ours. He made better use of them than we do, that was a choice. He was courageous in his pursuit of fulfilling his purpose. He was courageous in his pursuit of God.  That was a choice he made daily. I’ve made more mistakes than I even want to count, but I know that he has shown us a way better than our own. And even though I know I am imperfect in so many ways, I hope that I don’t make the same mistakes over and over. I hope that with every misstep, my course is corrected and I make new mistakes in an effort to learn and grow and be a better me than I was yesterday. I want you and I to have the kind of courage Jesus had when he walked the earth. I want us to see all that God has created us to be and to bravely be in constant pursuit of that. Jesus knew what he had been called to do and he followed the path laid before him, we can do that to. We might be more clumsy than Jesus was, but we can do it. He showed us that we can. So, thank you Jesus for your courage. Give us courage like yours to follow what God has purposed for us.

Day 97
“Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! The one sitting on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he judges and makes war.”
‭‭Revelation‬ ‭19:11‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Jesus wasn’t just brave when he was physically walking the earth, he is still brave now. We mess up a lot, yet he takes chances on us over and over. He took a chance on us when he died on the cross. He did it because he loves us, he did it to save us, he did it because he knew we weren’t perfect and he wanted us to have a connection to the Father. He was always brave and he always will be. When he comes back again his purpose will be different, he’s coming back to judge sin,  and defeat the enemy. He loves us with all that he is and knows us completely. He forgives us over and over, and not only is he brave, but he made us brave too.

Day 98
“Then David said to Solomon his son, "Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished.”
‭‭1 Chronicles‬ ‭28:20‬ ‭ESV‬‬
From a father to his son, don’t be afraid God is always with you so be brave! That’s what God is telling us, his children. We don’t have to live life in fear because he is ALWAYS with us, we were made to be brave. Just like Jesus was and always will be brave so can we. Courage can have an effect on every part of your life. Take a look back at everything we have talked about and see how God has changed you and spurred you on in courage. Because we know God is with us we can be brave always. How have you become more courageous?

Day 99
Take a good look at God’s wonders-they’ll take your breath away.
Psalm 66:5
Reflect on how far you have come. Yes, this is my second year doing this devotional journey but I still get emotional thinking about the changes I have experienced in myself. Honestly there are so many things I never would have done had it not been for the encouragement I have gotten through God's word (this blog being one of them). I won’t lie, there were days when I wanted to stop the blog because I wondered if it was even making a difference. And you know what?... It did make a difference. It made a difference for me and my spirit. And the courage I gained made a difference in the lives of others who sent me messages about this blog. I'll never know how many people read this or how many people walked though this with me and that’s ok. But I know that I have grown because of it and I am so thankful. Look back at the last few months and really remember all the brave choices you made because you dedicated time to listening to God’s voice and reading his word. You sweet friend are so brave, continue to prove that to yourself today and every day from here on out.

DAY 100!!! WHAT!!!? 
“The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
‭‭Zephaniah‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬
We are here guys, day 100! How amazing is that? I pray that you don’t end this journey here. Keep going, keep making brave choices. “ Your life is Jesus’ reward for his suffering-your brave yeses, your courageous noes, hanging on, letting go, going there, staying here, all of it.” Friend, God is watching you LIVE and he rejoices over you. Let that sink in. God rejoices over YOU. Live your life with the expectancy of the great things God has purposed for you. So I pray that you are filled with joy, peace, wisdom, hope and the courage that comes from believing our Heavenly Father is always with you and for you. Thank you for taking this journey with me and taking time to read the words that have been left here. I love you all. Here’s to being brave together.  


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